The smooth surface of the water in the pool symbolizes the Volga. On the wall there is an inscription: “The iron wind was biting at their faces, but still they were moving forward, and a feeling of a superstitious fear came over the enemies. It seemed to them that the attacking soldiers were immortal”. These are the words of Vasily Grossman, a famous Soviet writer and a war correspondent.
Square of Heroes

Square of Heroes
Six sculptural compositions on the other side of the pool tell about the courage of the heroic defenders of Stalingrad, their incredible fortitude and love of the native country. The sculptures are based on the real events of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Square of Heroes
In the Square of Heroes a capsule with the letter to the future generations was laid into the wall. It will be opened on May, 9, 2045, a hundred years after the victory over the Nazi Germany.