In the square there is the statue “The mother’s grief”. It presents a heartbroken mother bending over her son, who was killed in the battle. His face is covered with a banner, it’s a symbol of the final military honor. A round pool at the foot of the sculpture symbolizes the tears of all mothers whose sons didn’t return from the battlefield.
Square of Sorrow

Square of Sorrow
Vasily Chuikov, the commander of the 62nd Army, two times awarded Hero of the Soviet Union, the Marshal of the Soviet Union was buried in the Square of Sorrow in March, 1982.
In the eastern slope of the mound there is a common grave where 34505 defenders of Stalingrad were reburied after the war.
On the gravestones the names of the most distinguished participants of the battle are engraved. The first gravestone is devoted to the Unknown Soldier. The inscription says: “Your name is unknown. Your exploit is immortal. Eternal fame!”. Some of the gravestones are symbolic, the others mark the real graves.