The memorial complex “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on the Mamayev Hill was solemnly opened on October, 15, 1967. The author of the project — E. Vuchetich, the main architect — Y. Belopolsky, the military consultant — V. Chuikov.
Entrance Square

Entrance Square
The memorial ensemble begins with the introductory composition that is called “The memory of generations”. The high relief presents a funeral procession against a backdrop of the ruined wall. People of different ages are coming to the Mamayev Hill to honor the memory of the perished.
In the square there are 12 pedestals filled with the soil from the hero-cities of the Soviet Union. On the left side of the square there is a granite stele with the words that L. Brezhnev, the leader of the Soviet Union, said when inaugurating the memorial.